Examining Scripture about Women
Sermon from Betty Collins.
- Acts 17:10-11. We must examine the scriptures.
- Genesis 1:27-31
- To really understand God’s image it takes male and female characteristics or we have a distorted image of God.
- God gives them the same responsibility to care for the earth they were given.
- When man and women are together then creation is very good.
- Genesis 2:20
- God made a helper suitable for Adam.
- Hebrew word for help in this verse is ezer. When ezer is used in scripture it refers to God as an ever present helper in time of need. Psalm 118:6-7. This word helper refers to a powerful figure and not a lowly assistance.
- Genesis 3:1-6
- Serpent says enough to plant a see of doubt. “Could God know what I need as well as I know what I need?”
- Can all blame be placed on Eve if Adam was there with him?
- Both Adam and Eve have to decide if they will believe God and if they will have faith. Throughout the Bible God is looking for faith.
- Genesis 3:16-19. As long as God was the center of their life there was paradise. But when own desires were at the center then the focus became on who has the most power to get what they want.
- Jesus came, won victory over sin, and welcomed us into a new kingdom. Does this change they judgment that was given in Genesis?
- Mark 10:43-45
- Life should be different when love is in control.
- 1 Corinthians 11
- Paul responded to a letter about a scandal going on in the church where people were not listening to the women because of concern about what the women were wearing.
- The men and women were both leading public worship. Paul took no issue with that and gave information on how to handle the way women were leading.
- Galatians 3:28